Friday, December 2, 2011

Let's try this again...

Hey there!

I have these grandiose ideas that I will be this magnificent blogger and become the next Pioneer Woman. You know, sit down one day and start a blog and the next thing I know I'm crazy famous, have my own show on Food Network, have a traveling book tour, yada yada yada... But let's face it. I don't have the best reputation when it comes to blogging. There were the xanga days, followed by my first dip into blogger, but for some reason I was always so hit and miss. Don't get me wrong, I always think "I should blog about this" but then I don't. In my head I think if I put it on Facebook and "document" it, that kind of counts as blogging. But it doesn't. It's totally not the same. I can't fully capture a moment in a status update or a picture upload from my iPhone like I can if I take the time to sit down and tell a story.

I love to read blogs. I read into the lives of people I know personally & grew up with. I follow people who I've never met, yet through blogging we are now even Facebook friends. And, like any good blogger does, I creep on strangers on a daily basis. I look at their food, their craftiness, their decorating... Sometimes I think we're friends. But we're not. And I have issues. But that's a completely different problem...

It's my goal with this blog to one day look back and see what our lives were like at the end of 2011. We just moved to the beautiful Charleston, SC a month ago, Brandon is in love with his job, I am fortunate to be a stay at home mom, and the girls are 10 years old -- still my little girls, but on the cusp of turning into young ladies.

Like it says in the book of James "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog--it's here for a little while, then it's gone" (James 4:14 NLT). Not to be a Debbie Downer about death, but life is so short and time flies by. With each passing year it seems to be moving faster and faster. I can't go back, but I can take the time to slow down long enough to capture all of the fun and silly, serious and hard moments of our lives.

We're the Beaver's. And we have many tales to tell.

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