Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Catching up...

I seriously do not know how November is almost halfway over. I mean, really. Where'd the days go? And Thanksgiving is next week? Crazy! Ok. So since time has slipped away, so has blogging. But I don't want to forget these days. So let's play catch up!

Pumpkin Carving

Nothing says fall like pumpkins and a night outside carving those babies! This year, though, we did the scraping technique and Bay painted her pumpkin. It was weird not scooping out the guts, but fun nonetheless.

Painter Bay

B cracked me up! He was so meticulous!

Cay was a little on the impatient side, but focused when she needed to.

Ta-da! (Horrible pic, sorry.) 

After we cleaned up our pumpkin mess, it was time for s'mores! I'll take mine minus the chocolate, thank you very much. ;)

Those girls are serious about their s'mores! ;)


This year the girls wanted to dress up. And they wanted Bran and I to dress up, too. Since I'm well aware this could be getting very close to their last year when they thinking trick-or-treating is "cool" I was all over it! They wanted us to be a family of pirates. Umm...Yes!! My mascot in high school was a pirate, so I'm a pirate through and through. And my girls are well aware of my pirate fascination.

(Just a couple pics of me with pirates to show my obsession.) :)

B and I didn't go all out with our costumes, but enough to satisfy the girls. When they first threw out the idea Bran said "I'll just get a shirt and put "Arr! I'm a pirate" on it". And for some reason that cracked the girls up and they approved. Easy! I, on the other hand, did try on some regular costumes with them, but went the more practical route with an all black outfit a red scarf tied around my head. Done! 

Daddy helping Cay with her headband. 

"This is the only time I will ever wear eyeliner, Mom." Sure, Baylee, sure. I'll remind you of that one of these days. Or maybe she knows herself better than I do! ;)

Daddy and his girlers. Pics weren't the greatest that night. Girls were being GOOFY! Bay was our fancy buccaneer and Cay was more of the scrappy pirate.

Three lady pirates! 

See! I can't help but kiss a pirate when I see one! ;)

We walked around our new neighborhood. It was a very quiet night. There wasn't a lot of traffic and the houses were hit or miss. We made the best of it and I captured all our silliness with the video camera. 

Ha! That's me. The photog mom lagging behind with multiple cameras! ;)

Bay and her loot. 

B and Cay.

It was a good night and they even scored full size candy bars at one house. That was most definitely the highlight of the night!

Quick trip to Oklahoma!

One of the major perks about being back in Arkansas is the ability to get to OK for a quick weekend. In one weekend we were able to hit up two of my nephews football games, a wedding reception for one of my dearest friends, visit with family and friends, and buy a new kingsize bed! Woohoo! (Been waiting 11 years for that bed. Ha!) I only got pics of my nephews, though. 

Barrett, 10 years old

BJ, 14 years old

Brady, 17 years old 
(It was his senior night and last regular season game. They are still in the playoffs. Go Warriors!)

I've mentioned before that I've always taken the boys down or picked them up or something. Well, it takes a little effort with the older two so I don't want to embarrass them in public (Ha!), so Barrett insisted on running and jumping into my arms. And B captured this pic. Hilarious!!!!!! 

Uncle Bubba and the girlers after Barrett's heartbreaking loss the next day. 

Aunt Cari and the boys. Such handsome (& silly) men.

First guests!

The day we pulled back into our town here in Arkansas we had friends invite us over for dinner. It was such a treat to have a yummy meal with familiar faces after the long drive from South Carolina. We told Josh and Nelleke they would be our first guests as soon as we got a house and we'd have muenster chicken. YUM! This past weekend we finally got to make good on our promise. And it was delightful. The food, the friends, the was all good. 

Whew! That was long. But I know one of these days I'll be grateful for recording all of these memories. I think that pretty much caught us up. Except for all the boxes and packing paper that stuck around for a couple of weeks. Our house is beginning to come together slowly but surely. There's nothing on the walls yet, but that'll come in time. Hopefully. ;)

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