Sometimes you just need to write, ya know? And by write, I guess tonight I mean type. But goodness do I still love a fresh notebook & pen. Or pencil, depending the mood. ;) Anyway, back to the whole writing bit. God has laid it on my heart the last few months to use my words.
While at this Hillsong Young & Free concert the first of March, I felt the presence of God compelling me to use my words. As I sang the chorus of "End of Days"...."I'm gonna sing until my voice won't let me. As thunders roar I'll shout your praise. You're the God of everlasting wonder, your love outlasts the end of days".... I surrendered my words to Him. I had no idea what that meant at the time, but I knew that's what He was calling me to do.
Just a few days later, I had a Facebook message asking me to be the speaker at the women's spring banquet at my home church in Oklahoma. What?! Not on my radar, but God had began preparing me for that. He was preparing me at the concert. He was preparing me with my Be Brave theme He laid on my heart at the beginning of the year. It was a no brainer. I knew speaking at that banquet, as out of my element as it would be, was my next step.
And so I did it.
Rather, God did it through me. The theme was Be Brave, & while I can't recall what all I said (because, honestly, the highlights in my head are asking if putting water on the cross podium was sacrilegious, kicking my shoes off in the middle of it because I didn't like the noise they were making on the stage, & encouraging the women to take off their masks), he's what I wanted to say...
1. Be real.
Be real with yourself. Be real with God. Be real with other people. Don't hide behind some ridiculously stupid mask. That's exhausting! I don't know what crazy person convinced Christians that we are required to wear masks & to make it look like we have it all together, but if I ever meet them I want to slap them. There is so much danger in hiding. Trust me. I speak from experience. So be real, friends. If the people around you can't handle it. Good! They weren't your people to begin with. Go find those people who know how to mix grace with Truth & hang out with them.
2. Fear does not come from the Father.
Nope. It just doesn't. It's straight from the father of lies, Satan (John 8:44). God doesn't give us a spirit of fear (2Tim 1:7). In fact, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2Corinth 3:17-18)! And why fear when He is right there with us (Isaiah 41:10)?! Again, I'm talking to myself. I'm the queen of being afraid, but I'm working on it & learning to tell Satan to get off my back, He's not going to keep me down any longer.
3. We are God's arrows.
He created us & knit us together perfectly. Fearfully & wonderfully were we made (Psalm 139:13-14)! He created us for a purpose! A purpose only we can fulfill (Ephesians 2:10), not so we can boast in ourselves, but so He can receive the glory!
4. Being brave simply means to walk in obedience to the call He has placed on your life.
I told the ladies I didn't have a 12 step program to tell them how to be brave & overcome their fears. I could only tell them one thing. And that's just to surrender. Live your life palms open for God to give & take away what He sees fit. Whatever passions He's given you, use it to make Him known. The season of hardship He has you in, walk confidently that there is a purpose in it! Don't shrink back in fear. Choose faith over fear. Over & over, faith over fear. In big things, in small things, in everything, faith over fear. Oh! And another thing. Do not compare your bravery with someone else's. We all have different paths we are on & bravery looks different person to person. But there's an overriding thing in everyone, and that's obedience.
So. Yeah. That's what I wanted to get out. I think I rambled & told stories about me throwing a fit & tossing papers in the air when B asked me to do a simple task. And I know I briefly mentioned Habbakuk 3:19, the theme verse that I forgot to mention until the end. Hey, I'm not a professional & I have a newfound respect for pastors & speakers who do this all of the time. I'm just trusting what I did say was God orchestrated & God ordained.
I used my words. And for whatever reason, God compelled me to use my words tonight & blog about it.
Y'all. Life is hard. There's hurt & sickness & family problems & work issues & big decisions looming & everything in between. But it doesn't have to be done alone. He is our helper if we call on Him. He's just waiting.
I don't know what your brave is right now. But I'm guessing you do. That feeling in the pit of your stomach when you think of something you're supposed to do? Yep. That's probably it. Choose faith over fear, friends. I have that feeling now as I type, but I'm going to hit publish anyway! I pray someone is encouraged. And remember, we aren't alone. He strengthens us. So hold your head high & be brave!
"The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!"
Habakkuk 3:19 AMP
Great posts! "They weren't your people to begin with" in number 1 really really spoke to me. I know I am a "different" person. I am pretty real and for a lot of people thats just not what they think is right. I have never really thought "they just aren't my people". I am okay with being different, now I am more okay with it. Thank you.