Olive oil, salt, pepper, & garlic on those pretty things!
Roasted at 450 for 20 minutes & yum! They actually tasted like broccoli to me, so I'm not sure why I've been so scared of them for so long?
Brussel sprouts were about the highlight of the day. So on to the food!
The last of the roast & carrots & I threw in some fresh broccoli. Also had the other half of my banana from breakfast & three strawberries. Yummy lunch!!
Whitney's famous almond flour chicken & the Brussel sprouts!
How I am feeling...
Mentally: Excited that the end is near. Anxious about day 31. B & I were trying to formulate a plan. There must be a plan or I'll be eating Cheetos all day!
Physically: other than being crazy sore from yesterday, really good!
Craving: Biscuits & strawberry jam! Maple long john! Cheetos! Chips & salsa! I'm all over the place. Ha!
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