Sunday, March 22, 2015

W30:Day 26&27

The last Friday & Saturday night are behind me! Say what?! Can't believe I'm nearing the end of this W30 journey. I wasn't 100% compliant this weekend & guess what? I'm okay with that. 

It's late so let's just get on to the food. 





Here's where I went off the grid for a moment. B & I have this weekend to ourselves. The girls are camping with the youth group & so we had a date night last night. We went to Chuy's & I was prepared with what I was going to order. Taco salad, no cheese, fajita beef, salsa for dressing. And that's what I got. But it was date night, so I took a few bites of chips with a little creamy jalapeƱo. Pretty sure that's not gonna ruin me. Compliant? No. Living? Yes. I was able to leave completely satisfied with my healthy dinner choice & having had a few tastes of "bad stuff". I need to figure out how to do that on a consistent basis & I think I'll be successful. 

So. Stinking. Good. 





Another disclaimer... We had some friends with us in Little Rock & we ended up back at Chuy's. Completely fine with me! That salad was AMAZING! I ordered it again, no tomatoes this time, & did the same thing. A few little bites of chips (I'm talking like a few. Not like handfuls & me saying a few. Really, just a few. Like maybe 6 total? That's basically nothing.) & I left satisfied & happy. Woot, woot! 

That shell? I could devour that entire thing! But I didn't. But I could. ;) 

So it's been a good weekend! B & I even got up & did our run this morning. (Bless him. He's doing all he can to help me succeed & I so appreciate it.)

Running is not my thing. But I'm so proud when those three miles are over! 

Oh! And while at dinner we got a text from the leader at the girls camping trip. He sent us a pic of the girls & seeing their real smiles, knowing how anxious they were going into this weekend, it was good for my heart. 

Gorgeous girls with a gorgeous view from the top of Mt. Magazine. 

So that's that! Another weekend in the books! 

How I am feeling...
Mentally: Good! I think I'm beginning to see how I could incorporate things I've learned into daily living. 
Physically: Great! 
Craving: Chocolate chip cookies, dadgum it! Seriously. I can't stress that enough. I. Want. Sugar. 

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